Thursday, 18 November 2010

December Vogue cover

I'm guessing most of you have noticed the December issue of vogue here's a pic to refresh any memories.
How amazing does Emma Watson look! I know we're totally over the new hairstyle but who would have honestly thought the little girl from Harry Potter would now be turning into a fashion icon! So elegant and the new hair style is gorgeous, very 60s mod. If I'm being completely honest, this is what I would class a fashion icon in the making. Emma was even snatched up to be the face of Burberry in 2009 and is constantly in the top best dressed celebs. Make sure you keep an eye on this one!

Ill be updating the blog tomorrow with my top buys of this month so keep an eye out !

Thanks guys appreciate you having a look, would love it if you added me and feel free to comment.
Ashley xxx

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