Monday, 28 February 2011

Dreaming of Summer

Sunglasses, sandals, bare legs, festivals, sunburn, tan lines,  sandcastles, maxi dresses and ice cold cider in a plastic cup.....Yep forget spring being next, its almost summer (well not almost, but it will happen). This morning all I have thought about is the summer. Usually I have my summer all planned out by now but this year my diary seems to be a little empty so far.
       Cant wait to dig out the old sandals out the back of the wardrobe and wear my great new john Lennon sunglasses. Probably the best part of the summer time is not having the weight of a big jacket on your back and constantly having to be snuggled up, in fact you get the sense of fun and freedom in the summer.


  1. Beautiful pics!! Especially the forth one! He's soo cute!

    jos xx

  2. i'm so excited for summer! it can't come around soon enough for me!


  3. John Lennon's sunglasses! im a fan :)
    lovely pics :)
