Tuesday, 25 January 2011

As snug as a bug.

Today was the 1st day back on my diet....(was on a little diet over the summer, but later gained the weight during a weekend in Paris then Christmas)

My clothes are starting to get a little snug on me so I'm now back on the weight watchers plan. Got to say it is actually a good diet I still get to eat my treats, drink my cider and still lose weight YAY!

Weighed myself last night- came in at a whopping 9st 10pounds so got to stick at it this time... I will update you guys on my weekly process (which will probably keep me on track and i wont be tempted to cheat!)

Wish me luck!


  1. Luckzies!!!
    I'm officially on my first ever diet at the mo! Moving back to the southern US after 3 years in London has packed on a siz and a half...I don't know what I weigh, as there is no scale in my house. Between driving everywhere instead of walking and, well, SOUTHERN food being stuffed down my throat by my mother, none of my trousers or skirts fit anymore...and I can't have that! Soul food may be good for the soul, but it plays hell on the hips!

  2. i agree I drive to the shops and park as close as i can to the sh!p door lol. I hate exercise in any form!!

  3. I have no idea how much 9 st is but I do understand the need to diet wisely. It's good to have a plan, and someone to motivate you. We'll cheer you one. After I had my daughter I was fine. She ate so much I stayed the right size. Now however I feel like I should exersize a bit.
    It's a little ironic, but I was eating a chocolate when I started to write this.

  4. Yea I dont believe in quick weight loss it just results in quick weight gain lol! mm chocolate... xx

  5. So true. Fast loss means fast gain. And for some reason when it comes back its flabbier than before. Weight Watchers is a good, and not too drastic plan. Good luck!
